Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are we creating a spontaneous reactionary economic condition!

So what are you doing reading a blog? How many feeds are you following? How many friends do you have on facebook? I am struggling. Struggling to keep up, struggling to understand its usefulness, struggling with why a business should engage in social media. The name alone should make a business owner beware. Now instead of gathering at the water cooler to get the latest updates from co-workers we have created a world that links all your social networks…and I mean all of them.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am a social person. I enjoy my friendships, I enjoy professional networking events, but it seems we are on a collision course…but I can’t put my finger on what is colliding. Perhaps I am just not comfortable with my professional network seeing my personal vacation photos on facebook. Trust me, at 42, seeing a photo of a fat, old, hairy man on the beach will not score me any prospecting points.

I understand some of the largest companies in the world are hiring the brightest minds to develop applications for mobile devices and social media is at the forefront. Certainly the developers are banking on its continued growth. Personally, I think we are perpetuating the evolution of a spontaneous reactionary economic condition… and that can’t be good. The problem is; I don’t know what a spontaneous reactionary economic condition is, it’s just the best way I can describe what I think is happening.